Music at Messiah Concert Series
2023-2024 Season
October 21, 2023, at 5 PM: Cabaret
Messiah goes to Broadway! Join us for an evening of food, fellowship, and music in our Fellowship Hall for a performance hosted by Drew Holcombe and our music ministry featuring Broadway hits and special musical offerings by our congregation.
December 3, 2023, at 3 PM: Messiah at Messiah
An annual tradition at Messiah UMC, our festival choir is comprised of our Chancel Choir and members of our community for a performance of Part One of Handel's "Messiah." Presented with professional orchestra and featuring our section leaders as soloists.
February 24, 2024, at 4 PM: A Living Word: A Concert for Black History Month
Guest artist Dr. Lester Green (Professor, Peabody Conservatory; Morgan State; University of Maryland) presents a program with guest artists and students featuring works by African American composers, ranging from classical to sacred to contemporary music.
April 28th, 2024, at 9 AM and 11:15 AM worship services: John Rutter's "Gloria"
Accompanied by an 8-piece professional brass ensemble, our Chancel Choir presents John Rutter's "Gloria" as part of a Music Appreciation Sunday at both worship services.
June 8, 2024 at 4 PM: A Night at the Opera
Join us for a fun, high-energy evening of choral, small ensemble, and solo pieces from opera and operetta across history. Never been to an opera before? No problem! This program is accessible and enjoyable whether you're an opera aficionado or brand new to the art form.